Saturday, June 12, 2010

O God Of Field And City

O God of field and city,
  O Lord of shore and sea,
Behold us in Thy pity
  Lift naked hands to Thee.
Our swords and spears are shattered,
  Our walls of stone down-thrust,
Our reeking altars scattered
  And trodden in the dust.

O God of law unbroken,
  O Lord of justice done,
Thine awful word is spoken
  From sun to flaming sun:
We hate and we are hated,
  We slay, and lo, are slain;
We feed and still unsated
  We hunt our prey again.

O God of mercy tender,
  O Lord of love most free,
Forgive as we surrender
  Our wayward wills to Thee.
Absolve our fell allegiance
  To captain and to king;
Receive in full obedience
  The chastened hearts we bring.

--John Haynes Holmes

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