Sunday, June 27, 2010

from The Oarsmen

We have known sins and evils every day and death we have known;
They pass over our world like clouds mocking us with their transient lightning laughter.
Suddenly they have stopped, become a prodigy,
And men must stand before them saying:
"We do not fear you, O Monster! for we have lived every day by conquering you,
"And we die with the faith that Peace is true, and Good is true, and true is the eternal One!"

If the Deathless dwell not in the heart of death,
If glad wisdom bloom not bursting the sheath of sorrow,
If sin do not die of its own revealment,
If pride break not under its load of decorations,
Then whence comes the hope that drives these men from their homes like stars rushing to
       their death in the morning light?
Shall the value of the martyrs' blood and mothers' tears be utterly lost in the dust of the earth,
       not buying Heaven with their price?
And when Man bursts his mortal bounds, is not the Boundless revealed that moment?

--Rabindranath Tagore, 1861-1941

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