Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Life's Rainy Days

     There is a disposition on the part of
many people to think only of the rainy
days in life, and miss all the bright and
sunshiny days.

     That there are rainy days in life--
days of trouble and disappointment--
no sane man should deny. The person
who never has any trouble never has
any real joy. But it is possible for one
to become so obsessed with fear of
rainy days that he loses all ability to
judge the weather.

     It is a terrible thing to live all of one's
life in dread of rainy days. It is so easy
to make a storm out of a shower, and a
disaster out of a mere disappointment.

     The rainy day people develop a ter-
rible habit of borrowing trouble. Long
before tomorrow has arrived they invade
it with fears, take its terrors captive, and
bring them back into today, and then sit
trembling before them.

     Very few people have ever broken
under the burden that today imposes.

     The best preparation for tomorrow is
a calm and poised mind today. Even if to-
morrow does hold the promise of being
a day packed with trouble, the best way
to meet it is with memory of today's work
well done, in a peaceful state of mind.


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