Monday, July 19, 2010

God Gave Us Imagination

     "I have been on the same job for  three
years, and feel that my employer has lost
sight of me. What shall I do?"

     The business counselor to whom this
question was directed replied with another
question. "What suggestion can you make
to your employer that will increase his sales,
improve his product, reduce his costs, or
do your job better in any way?"

     The young man who was looking for
advice admitted that he had no ideas on
any of these things. The expert then said,
"With the opportunities you have had, you
had better not let your employer know that
you have been working for him so long
without having a single idea for improving
your work."
     That young man is an example of
thousands who have never developed
their imagination. They may know their
job and do it fairly well, but never once
have they stopped to ask themselves,
"How can I improve my work?"

     Knowledge is a good thing, industry
and experience are always necessary, but
imagination is a miracle worker.

--Carl Holmes

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