Monday, March 1, 2010

The Greater Gift

It was a dismal day when chilling rain
Like icy tears coursed down the window pane,
The clouds were dark and I was hedged about
With darker moods, but these were put to rout,
When to my ears there came a tapping sound,
So low at first as to be almost drowned
By other noises--then it grew more clear,
Until I knew some cherished friend was near;
And opening the door I heard your voice,
Soft-cadenced, kind, that made my heart rejoice;
You came to me because you sensed my need
Of comradeship, as if to intercede
With something of your spirit as a shield,
And yet you bore a gift--I saw revealed
A deeper motive . . . did you not foresee
That I had need of faith, serenity?
Two gifts you left, one was a healing token,
Yet of this greater gift no word was spoken.

--Margaret E. Bruner

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