Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Human Heart

There's a heap o'love in the human heart
  If we just dig down a bit;
It's the masterpiece of the Mighty Hand
  And He gave His best to it.
There's a heap o'good in the most of men,
  Just underneath the skin,
And much would show that we never know,
  Could we only look within.

There's a lot inside that we never see,
  And perhaps we never know,
'Til fortunes turn and we're down and out,
  Or sickness strikes us low.
But the heart is right in the most of men,
  When the truth is really known,
And we often find that the heart is kind
  That we thought was cold as stone.

We sometimes tire of the road so rough
  And the hill that seems so steep,
And we sometimes feel that hope is gone,
  As we sit alone and weep;
And then when our faith is burning low
  And we lose our trust in men,
True friends appear with a word of cheer
  And the sun comes out again.

And so I claim that the heart of man
  Is about what it ought to be,
For it's made of goodness through and through,
  Could we look inside and see.
God made all things and He made them well,
  On the true and perfect plan,
But He did His best in the greatest test
  When He made the heart of man.

--Frank Carleton Nelson

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