Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Sure Way to a Happy Day

Happiness is something
   we create in our mind,
It's not something you search for
   and so seldom find--
It's just waking up
   and beginning the day
By counting our blessings
   and kneeling to pray--
It's giving up thoughts
   that breed discontent
And accepting what comes
   as a "gift heaven-sent"--
It's giving up wishing
   for things we have not
And making the best of
   whatever we've got--
It's knowing that life
   is determined for us,
And pursuing our tasks
   without fret, fume or fuss--
For it's by completing
   what God gives us to do
That we find real contentment
   and happiness, too.

           ~ Helen Steiner Rice


  1. This poem means the world to me, and I have it written on the flyleaf of my Bible. If people would follow what it says I guarantee it will turn their life around and they will begin experiencing happy, joyful days regardless of the challenge they are facing. Thank You, Lord, for the God-given talent to Helen Steiner Rice and for her so graciously sharing it with us!
