Tuesday, February 2, 2010

[BOOKS]: Pt. 3

     This union of freedom with authority is,
I believe, the true and the only guide in the
selection of books to read. In the long run,
nothing but truth, simplicity, purity, and a
lofty purpose approves a book to the fav-
or of the ages, and nothing else ought to
approve it to the individual reader. Thus
the end is reached, and the choice is made,
not by taking a book because a "course of
reading" commands you to do so, but be-
cause you come to see for yourself the wis-
dom of the selection.
--Charles Francis Richardson, 1881, The
Choice of Books

     The book is the lens between life and
the reader by which he gathers a clear
knowledge of the former. The book re-
ceives light, it also gives light. Literature
which does not show a life below itself,
and fundamental, is too shallow to live.
Therefore, a man or a people must live
before writing. What darkness would fall
on the world if this were not so. For litera-
ture is a point of departure for new achieve-
ments, without which each person would
have to start at the bottom and climb the
whole hill of knowledge anew. Literature
does more than this. It gives life new qual-
ities through style. In Carlyle's "French
Revolution," we recognize a revolution
which existed in the world, because it ex-
isted in his intellect and soul. The same is
true of all books. The relations between
life and literature are so delicate that if the
life is a little too strong for literature, or
vice-versa they are much disturbed. The
former is now the case. The latter was the
case when Goethe lived; books were con-
sidered sacred. Literature as the food of
life appeals to three faculties--curiosity,
obedience and admiration. The perfection
of these in Christ makes the Bible the book
of books. Literature appeals to the same
vitality which gives man knowledge, and so
it is the livliest man who makes the best
reader. A good idea is to pursue some top-
ic as deeply as possible.
--Phillips Brooks, 1886, Address before
New England Sunday-School Assembly.

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