Saturday, January 9, 2010

Little Roads to Happiness

The little roads to happiness, they are not hard to find;
They do not lead to great success--but to a quiet mind.
They do not lead to mighty power, nor to substantial wealth.
They bring one to a book, a flower, a song of cheer and
The little roads to happiness are free to everyone;
They lead one to the wind's caress, to kiss of friendly sun.
These little roads are shining white, for all the world to see;
Their sign-board, pointing left and right, are love and
The little roads of happiness have this most charming way;
No matter how they may digress throughout the busy day;
No matter where they twist and wind through fields of rich
They're always of the self-same mind to lead us home at

--Wilhelmina Stitch


  1. Great reminder to enjoy the little things. Reminds me a little bit of Craig's last message at LifeChurch: Margin. "The best things in life are found in the margins." In other words, increase your margin by living within/beneath your means, enjoying the little things.. Resulting in a decrease in stress and an increase in relational intimacy.

    "Be still, and know that I am God... Psalm 46:10

    Creating margin is not hard to do...but often not done.
